December 2009
20 December, 2009: New committer: Ryusuke SUZUKI (doc/ja_JP, www/ja)
7 December, 2009: New committer: Gavin Atkinson (src)
3 December, 2009: The NVIDIA Corporation releases an initial BETA version of NVIDIA 195.22 FreeBSD graphics drivers for both i386 and amd64 architectures. The drivers support recent versions of the FreeBSD operating system, i.e. 7.2-STABLE and 8.0-RELEASE and provide support for features like SLI, improved compatibility and performance, especially on systems with 4GB or more of RAM. This marks the first driver release for amd64, as it was previously available only for i386 architecture. Please see the original announcement for more information.
November 2009
27 November, 2009: The FreeBSD 8.0 press release is now available.
26 November, 2009: FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE is now available. Please be sure to check the Release Notes and Release Errata before installation for any late-breaking news and/or issues with 8.0. More information about FreeBSD releases can be found on the Release Information page.
18 November, 2009: New committer: Matthias Andree (ports)
12 November, 2009: The third of the Release Candidates for the FreeBSD-8.0 release cycle is now available. ISO images for Tier-1 architectures and a memory stick image for amd64/i386 are now available on most of the FreeBSD mirror sites.
October 2009
29 October, 2009: New committer: Sylvio Cesar Teixeira (ports)
28 October, 2009: The second of the Release Candidates for the FreeBSD-8.0 release cycle is now available. ISO images for Tier-1 architectures and a memory stick image for amd64/i386 are now available on most of the FreeBSD mirror sites.
11 October, 2009: The April-September, 2009 Status Report is now available with 38 entries.
4 October, 2009: New committer: Jaakko Heinonen (src)
September 2009
21 September, 2009: The first of the Release Candidates for the FreeBSD-8.0 release cycle is now available. ISO images for Tier-1 architectures and a memory stick image for amd64/i386 are now available on most of the FreeBSD mirror sites.
15 September, 2009: New committer: Wen Heping (ports)
7 September, 2009: The fourth and last of the BETA builds for the FreeBSD-8.0 release cycle is now available. ISO images for Tier-1 architectures and a memory stick image for amd64/i386 are now available on most of the FreeBSD mirror sites.
August 2009
24 August, 2009: The third of the BETA builds for the FreeBSD-8.0 release cycle is now available. ISO images for Tier-1 architectures and a memory stick image for amd64/i386 are now available on most of the FreeBSD mirror sites.
10 August, 2009: New committer: Dima Panov (ports)
July 2009
20 July, 2009: New committer: Yi-Jheng Lin (ports)
18 July, 2009: The final stage of the FreeBSD-8.0 Release cycle continues with the second public beta release. The FreeBSD 8.0-BETA2 ISO images for Tier-1 architectures are now available for download on most of the FreeBSD mirror sites. As with the first beta release, this is not yet intended for use in a production environment. However we encourage our users to test this release and report any bugs and problems you may have found. For more information about this release and updating details please see the official announcement.
7 July, 2009: The final stage of the FreeBSD-8.0 Release cycle has begun with the first public beta release. The FreeBSD 8.0-BETA1 ISO images for Tier-1 architectures are now available for download on most of the FreeBSD mirror sites. We encourage our users to give FreeBSD 8.0-BETA1 a try and provide us with the feedback, however please read the official announcement carefully before starting to use this release.
June 2009
8 June, 2009: New committer: Navdeep Parhar (src)
8 June, 2009: New committer: Michael Tuexen (src)
4 June, 2009: Portmgr is happy to announce that two new members will join the team.
Martin Wilke has been one of our most active committers since receiving his commit bit today 3 years ago. He has been working in a number of subgroups including python, ports-security and the KDE team.
Ion-Mihai Tetcu has been interested in regression testing and qualitiy assurance, creating QAT automated tinderbox testing of all port commits on a per-commit basis, and adding on-the-fly feedback to the snapshot builds from the pointyhat package cluster.
Unfortunately, we will also be saying goodbye to Kirill Ponomarew, who hasn't had much time to spend on FreeBSD and will be stepping down from portmgr.
We thank Kirill for all his contributions in the past and wish Martin and Ion-Mihai the best of luck with the new tasks bestowed upon them. -
3 June, 2009: New bugmeister members: Gavin Atkinson, Volker Werth
May 2009
28 May, 2009: New committer: Alexander Logvinov (ports)
27 May, 2009: New committer: Kris Moore (ports)
23 May, 2009: New committer: Benedict Reuschling (doc/de_DE, www/de)
22 May, 2009: New committer: Jilles Tjoelker (src)
20 May, 2009: New committer: TAKATSU Tomonari (ports)
10 May, 2009: The FreeBSD Project again received many high quality applications from students participating in Google's Summer of Code program. This year 20 student proposals were accepted to work with the FreeBSD Project as part of this program. For those with projects that were not accepted this year, we'd like to note that the FreeBSD Project is always willing to help mentor students so they can learn more about operating system development through our normal community mailing lists and development forums.
The complete list of student projects selected for funding is :- Aditya Sarawgi, Improving Second Extended File system (ext2fs) and making it GPL free (Mentor: Ulf Lilleengen)
- Alejandro Pulver, Ports license infrastructure (part 2: integration) (Mentor: Erwin Lansing)
- Ana Kukec, IPv6 Secure Neighbor Discovery - native kernel APIs for FreeBSD (Mentor: Bjoern Zeeb)
- David Forsythe, Package tools rewrite via a new package library, with new features (Mentor: Tim Kientzle)
- Edward Tomasz Napierala, Hierarchical Resource Limits (Mentor: Brooks Davis)
- Fabio Checconi, Geom-based Disk Schedulers (Mentor: Luigi Rizzo)
- Fang Wang, Implement TCP UTO (Mentor: Rui Paulo)
- Gábor Kövesdán, BSD-licensed libiconv in base system (Mentor: Xin Li)
- Gleb Kurtsov, In kernel stackable cryptographic filesystem (pefs) (Mentor: Stanislav Sedov)
- Ilias Marinos, Application-Specific Audit Trails (Mentor: Robert Watson)
- Marta Carbone, Ipfw and dummynet improvements (Mentor: Luigi Rizzo)
- Nikhil Bysani, Porting NetworkManager to FreeBSD (Mentor: Ed Schouten)
- Páli Gábor János, Design and Implementation of Subsystem Support Libraries for Monitoring and Management (Mentor: Oleksandr Tymoshenko)
- Prashant Vaibhav, Reworking the callout scheme: towards a tickless kernel (Mentor: Ed Maste)
- Satish Srinivasan, TrustedBSD Audit: Developing BSD licensed tools for importing, exporting from/to Linux audit log format and BSM (Mentor: Stacey Son)
- Sylvestre Gallon, USB improvements under FreeBSD (Mentor: Philip Paeps)
- Tatsiana Elavaya, ipfw ruleset optimization and highlevel rule definition language (Mentor: Diomidis Spinellis)
- Tatsiana Severyna, puffs (pass-to-userspace framework file system) port for FreeBSD (Mentor: Konstantin Belousov)
- Zachariah Riggle, TCP\IP Regression Testing Suite (Mentor: George Neville Neil)
- Zhao Shuai, FIFO Optimizations (Mentor: John Baldwin)
The Summer of Code wiki contains additional information about FreeBSD Participation in this program. Coding starts May 23, so please join us in welcoming the 20 new students to our community. -
7 May, 2009: The January - March, 2009 Status Reports are now available with 15 entries.
5 May, 2009: New committer, SoC alumnus: Nick Barkas (src)
4 May, 2009: FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE is now available. Please be sure to check the Release Notes and Release Errata before installation for any late-breaking news and/or issues with 7.2. More information about FreeBSD releases can be found on the Release Information page.
April 2009
24 April, 2009: The second of two planned Release Candidates for the FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE cycle is now available. ISO images for Tier-1 architectures are now available on most of the FreeBSD mirror sites.
21 April, 2009: All of the technical sessions from the recent DCBSDCon 2009 conference were recorded and are now available in the BSDConferences channel on YouTube. There are now 50 separate videos of technical talks from MeetBSD, NYCBSDCon, AsiaBSDCon, and BSDCan available in the channel.
17 April, 2009: The first of two planned Release Candidates for the FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE cycle is now available. ISO images for Tier-1 architectures are now available on most of the FreeBSD mirror sites.
12 April, 2009: Enhanced commit privileges: Gábor Páli (ports, doc)
10 April, 2009: PC-BSD 7.1 has been released. PC-BSD is a successful desktop operating system based on FreeBSD that focuses on providing an easy to use desktop system for casual computer users. A list of new features/updates since the last version can be found here.
The new release may be downloaded or purchased on DVD. -
6 April, 2009: New committer: Rick Macklem (src)
3 April, 2009: The final stage of the FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE cycle has begun with the first beta release. ISO images for Tier-1 architectures are now available on most of the FreeBSD mirror sites.
March 2009
25 March, 2009: New committer: Steven Kreuzer (ports)
22 March, 2009: We are pleased to announce that Google has invited the FreeBSD Project to participate in their Summer of Code 2009 program, which allows students to get paid to work on the FreeBSD source code. We invite students interested in working on FreeBSD to submit their proposals as soon as possible.
For more information please see the FreeBSD Summer Projects page for recommended project ideas and the official announcement. -
16 March, 2009: New committer: Fabien Thomas (src)
12 March, 2009: There are a number of semi-official Twitter streams available now with the latest updates from the FreeBSD Project. The @freebsdannounce stream provides a short summary and link to the full newsflash posts. @freebsdblogs syndicates the FreeBSD developer blogs from Planet FreeBSD. @freebsd syndicates both of the above sources and more. Finally, the new @bsdevents stream includes all the events from our events page plus additional reminders and notices of BSD gatherings.
3 March, 2009: New committer: Dennis Herrmann (ports)
1 March, 2009: New committer: Dmitry Chagin (src)
February 2009
19 February, 2009: New committer: Marcus von Appen (ports)
18 February, 2009: New committer: Andriy Gapon (src)
14 February, 2009: KDE 4.2.0 has been merged into the ports tree. For a detailed list of improvements, please refer to the announcement. For general information about KDE on FreeBSD, please see the KDE on FreeBSD project page.
January 2009
28 January, 2009: The October - December, 2008 Status Reports are now available with 19 entries.
28 January, 2009: New committer: Beat Gätzi (ports)
28 January, 2009: New committer: Jamie Gritton (src)
17 January, 2009: The first lecture from Kirk McKusick's full length FreeBSD Kernel Internals course has been posted to the BSD Conferences channel on YouTube.
9 January, 2009: The FreeBSD GNOME team is proud to announce the release of GNOME 2.24.2 for FreeBSD. More details can be found on the FreeBSD GNOME Project page.
5 January, 2009: FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE is now available. Please be sure to check the Release Notes and Release Errata before installation for any late-breaking news and/or issues with 7.1. More information about FreeBSD releases can be found on the Release Information page.
Other project news: 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1993
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