FreeBSD Past Events
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December 2006
ChileBSDCon 2006, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile
2006 年 12 月 9 日
The first BSD related conference in Chile. The objective is to join the developers, users, and BSD sysadmins in Chile to share and interchange ideas, experiences, and knowledge. In addition, it aims to provide a chance to socialize and construct future links to expand the knowledge of the BSD systems. The conference is for anyone developing, administrating, and using systems based on FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFlyBSD, and Darwin as well as MacOS X and Solaris.Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.
LISA '06, Washington, D.C., USA
2006 年 12 月 3 - 8 日
The annual LISA conference is the meeting place of choice for system, network, database, storage, security, and all other computer-related administrators. Administrators of all specialties and levels of expertise meet at LISA to exchange ideas, sharpen old skills, learn new techniques, debate current issues, and meet colleagues and friends. A BSD booth will be available in the exhibit hall.Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.
November 2006
MeetBSD 2006, Centrum Konferencyjno-Kongresowe PWSBiA, Warsaw, Poland
2006 年 11 月 25 - 26 日
The third annual MeetBSD conference will be held in Poland to bring together BSD experts from around Europe. Several FreeBSD developers will be presenting on FreeBSD topics.Social links: Flickr, Blog Search, YouTube.
EuroBSDCon 2006, Milan, Italy
2006 年 11 月 10 - 12 日
The fifth annual European BSD Conference. It is oriented to developers and users of all BSD flavors, including FreeBSD of course.Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.
October 2006
NYCBSDCon 2006, Davis Auditorium, Columbia University, New York City, USA
2006 年 10 月 28 - 29 日
Continuing on the success of last year, the New York City BSD Conference (NYCBSDCon) is the main technical conference on the East Coast for the BSD community to get together to share and gain knowledge, to network with like-minded people, and to have fun. This event is organized by members of the New York City *BSD Users Group (NYC*BUG).Social links: Flickr, Blog Search, YouTube.
September 2006
CIMM 2006, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia
2006 年 9 月 20 - 22 日
Every two (sometimes three) years the leading Colombian Mechanical Engineering Universities organize a congress. This year the congress will become an international event and will feature an article about free Mechanical Engineering applications recently ported to FreeBSD. Note: the scheduled FreeBSD talk has been canceled but the related paper is available here.Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.
come2linux - Linuxtage in Essen, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Glas-Pavilion, Essen, Germany
2006 年 9 月 9 - 10 日
Linuxtage in Essen is a two day event on Linux and Free Software in general. There will be workshops, talks, a theme park and room for various projects to present themselves. FreeBSD will be present with a booth as well as several talks.Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.
June 2006
FrOSCon 2006, Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Sankt Augustin, Germany
2006 年 6 月 24 - 25 日
FrOSCon is a two day conference on Free Software and Open Source, taking place in Sankt Augustin near the cities of Bonn and Cologne. The conference revolves around a rich schedule of talks, highlighting current topics in Free Software and Open Source, including an introductory talk about FreeBSD.Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.
FreeBSD Kernel Short Course at UC Berkeley Extension, University of California, Berkeley, USA
2006 年 6 月 19 - 23 日
The ``Using the FreeBSD Open-Source Operating System'' course will be taught June 19-23, 2006 as part of the University of California at Berkeley Summer Engineering Program. You can get more information or sign up for the class at: links: Flickr, Blog Search.
May 2006
2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
2006 年 5 月 30 日 - 6 月 3 日
The 2006 USENIX ATC will have FREENIX and general refereed paper sessions. This is THE big conference of the year for BSD enthusiasts in the U.S.Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.
SANE 2006, Aula Congresscentre, Delft, The Netherlands
2006 年 5 月 15 - 19 日
The SANE conference program is filled with the latest developments in system administration, network engineering, security and open source software. Several prominent FreeBSD team members will be speaking and FreeBSD related papers will be presented.Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.
BSDCan 2006, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
2006 年 5 月 12 - 13 日
BSDCan is a developers conference with a strong focus on emerging technologies, research projects, and works in progress. It also features Userland infrastructure projects and invites contributions from both free software developers and those from commercial vendors.Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.
LinuxTag 2006, Rhein-Main-Hallen, Wiesbaden, Germany
2006 年 5 月 3 - 6 日
LinuxTag is Europe's largest event about Free Software, Linux and Open Source. This year there will be the traditional FreeBSD-Booth, some BSD-Talks and maybe BSD-Tutorials. For more information, please see links: Flickr, Blog Search.
March 2006
UKUUG LISA/Spring Conference 2006, University of Durham, Durham, UK
2006 年 3 月 22 - 23 日
UKUUG's annual Large Installation Systems Administration (LISA) conference will take place in the historic city of Durham on Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd March 2006. This conference is a must-attend event for system and network administrators. As well as the technical talks, the conference provides a friendly environment for members to meet, learn, and enjoy lively debate on a host of subjects. This year, a series of talks on the BSD family of operating systems is also planned to run alongside the main systems administration stream.Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.
CeBIT 2006, Messegelände, Hannover, Germany
2006 年 3 月 9 - 15 日
CeBIT is a large trade fair in Germany. FreeBSD will be present with a booth inside the LinuxPark (hall 5, booth E 56) from March 12-15. For more information, please see links: Flickr, Blog Search.
LinuxForum 2006, Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole, Copenhagen, Denmark
2006 年 3 月 3 - 4 日
Annual Danish Open Source conference. The Danish BSD user group BSD-DK will present the BSDs. Also, a series of BSD related talks is scheduled.Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.
February 2006
Fosdem 2006, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
2006 年 2 月 25 - 26 日
A 2 day event to promote the widespread use of Free and Open Source software. Several BSD developers, including FreeBSD developers, will be present and give a series of talks.Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.
FreeBSD Kernel Code Reading Evening Course, Berkeley, California, USA
2006 年 2 月 22 日 - 6 月 13 日
The ``FreeBSD Kernel Internals: An Intensive Code Walkthrough'' course will be taught during the Spring of 2006. The class will be held at the historic Hillside Club at 2286 Cedar Street, Berkeley, CA 94709 just three blocks north of the Berkeley campus once per week from 6:30PM to 9:45PM starting Wednesday February 22nd and finishing Tuesday June 13th. You can get more information or sign up for the class at links: Flickr, Blog Search.
FreeBSD System Administration Training Course, Fort Worth, Texas, USA
2006 年 2 月 7 - 10 日
Four-day hands-on class taught by BSD developer and advocate, Jeremy C. Reed, covers essential FreeBSD and Unix administration skills, including beginning Mail, BIND, and Apache administration.Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.
Events from past years: