The following security advisories pertain to FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE. For more information, consult the individual advisories available from
Advisory | Date | Topic |
SA-05:01.telnet | 28 March 2005 |
telnet client buffer overflows |
SA-05:02.sendfile | 4 April 2005 |
sendfile kernel memory disclosure |
SA-05:04.ifconf | 15 April 2005 |
Kernel memory disclosure in ifconf() |
SA-05:05.cvs | 22 April 2005 |
Multiple vulnerabilities in CVS |
SA-05:06.iir | 6 May 2005 |
Incorrect permissions on /dev/iir |
SA-05:07.ldt | 6 May 2005 |
Local kernel memory disclosure in i386_get_ldt |
SA-05:08.kmem | 6 May 2005 |
Local kernel memory disclosure |
SA-05:09.htt | 13 May 2005 |
information disclosure when using HTT |
SA-05:11.gzip | 9 June 2005 |
gzip directory traversal and permission race vulnerabilities |
SA-05:14.bzip2 | 29 June 2005 |
bzip2 denial of service and permission race vulnerabilities |
SA-05:15.tcp | 29 June 2005 |
TCP connection stall denial of service |
SA-06:16.smbfs | 31 May 2006 |
smbfs chroot escape |
SA-06:17.sendmail | 14 June 2006 |
Incorrect multipart message handling in Sendmail |
SA-06:18.ppp | 23 August 2006 |
Buffer overflow in sppp(4) |
SA-06:19.openssl | 06 September 2006 |
Incorrect PKCS#1 v1.5 padding validation in crypto(3) |
SA-06:21.gzip | 19 September 2006 |
Multiple vulnerabilities in gzip(1) |
SA-06:22.openssh | 30 September 2006 |
Multiple vulnerabilities in OpenSSH |
SA-06:23.openssl | 28 September 2006 |
Multiple problems in crypto(3) |
SA-06:25.kmem | 6 December 2006 |
Kernel memory disclosure in firewire(4) |
SA-06:26.gtar | 6 December 2006 |
gtar(1) name mangling symlink vulnerability |
This file, and other release-related documents, can be downloaded from
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