5 Install Setup

  1. Put the install files in an NFS accessible location on the Server. Make a directory corresponding the 'nfs' directive in the install.cfg file and mirror the FreeBSD install files there, you will want it to look somewhat like this:

    ABOUT.TXT       TROUBLE.TXT     compat20        floppies        ports
    ERRATA.TXT      UPGRADE.TXT     compat21        games           proflibs
    HARDWARE.TXT    XF86336         compat22        info            src
    INSTALL.TXT     bin             compat3x        kern.flp
    LAYOUT.TXT      catpages        crypto          manpages
    README.TXT      cdrom.inf       dict            mfsroot.flp
    RELNOTES.TXT    compat1x        doc             packages
  2. Copy the compressed packages into the packages/All directory under nfs.

  3. Make sure you have an INDEX file prepared in the packages directory. You can make your own INDEX entries like so:

    alfred-1.0||/|Alfred install bootstrap||[email protected]||||

    Then you can install custom packages, particularly your own custom post-install package.